One Lovely Blog Award


I have two fellow bloggers to thank for a nomination for the One Lovely Blog Award. The first is Keaneonlife and the second is Carter Vail. I feel honored that both of these talented people liked my blog enough to nominate me. Take some time and check out their blogs!

The one Lovely Blog Award nominations are chosen by fellow bloggers for newer and Up-and-coming bloggers. The goal is to help give recognition and also help the new blogger to reach more viewers. It also recognises blogs that are considered to be “lovely” by the fellow bloggers who choose them.

Now for the rules.

1. Thank the person who nominated you. Thanks again to Keaneonlife and Carter Vail.

2. Add “One Lovely Blog Award” Logo.  Alrighty.

3. Share 7 facts/things about me: Okay, here goes

1) I have had many different pets over my 50 plus years. Dogs (I prefer large breed dogs), cats (I prefer long haired cats), lizards, a pregnant spider (yes really), a Green Wing macaw, a Catalina macaw, a Moluccan Cockatoo and a small Green Cheeked Conure with a Napoleon complex. Currently I share my house with a 120 lb. Great Pyrenees mix that thinks he is a lap dog. I have been having yearnings for a kitty since mine passed away last year.

2) I have had my fight with the big C (breast cancer) and won.

3) My favorite color is purple and I love shiny things. If it is shiny AND purple…..well consider it MINE!

4) I am a gamer girl. I love computers and online games. They are my guilty pleasure. I play World of Warcraft, Wildstar, Elder Scrolls Online…..well you get the picture. Yup, Grynnie is a NERD

5) I have lived in California, Mississippi, Nebraska, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, Texas and Missouri. I am currently located in California but who knows what the future holds?

6) I collect DRAGONS. I am always on the look out for anything dragon related, windchimes, statues, book marks, whatever I can find when I am traveling. Other people collect the little spoons or state shaped magnets when traveling, but I look for some sort of dragon. It isn’t easy but the challenge is part of the fun.

7) I have been to several different therapists over the years when my personal life was getting hard to handle and more than one of the therapists encouraged me to get back to writing. One spent our sessions laughing her butt off and told me that it wasn’t me with the problems, it was the rest of the world. (She still took my money)

4. Nominate 15 bloggers who I admire and inform them by commenting on their blogs. This is a hard one. To pick 15 bloggers I started checking out a lot of the blogs I follow and found quite a few had already been nominated. So I have been doing a lot of reading of new blogs that I haven’t seen before. This requires me to read multiple entries because yeah, I really do read the blogs. I don’t just click follow randomly, I READ. So here goes!

1) Living Life With Chronic Illnesses

2) Fibrodreamer2014

3) God’s Whisper Farm

4) Clowie’s Corner

5) The Life and Times of Miss Lilly

6) Shepherds Grove

7) home is what you make it

8) One flew over the Sterling nest

9) My own private Idaho

10) Slowboat

11) The Road Taken

12) Morning Rounds

13) Heart of a Traveller

14) The Professor & Her Garden

15) The Universe According to Charlie

About Grynnie

I am a 50 something woman restarting her life with a new found sense of joy and freedom. Life is to be enjoyed and is a grand adventure. Who knows what will happen next? Oh yeah, did I mention that I have also been, a daughter, a mother, a wife (twice) but who is counting, an oyster opening jewelry maker, a nursing assistant, a legal secretary, a casino worker, a ski resort worker and a banker. No wonder I get a little confuzzled at times and get distracted by the shinies and fuzzies in the world while I am busy chasing rainbows. I still haven't figured out what I want to be when I grow up. Oh, well you don't think I had all those jobs in the same place did you? I have lived in (takes a deep breath) California, Mississippi, Nebraska, Hawaii, California (again), Nevada, Utah, Texas, Missouri and am now back in California yet again. Now it is almost 2019 and my feet are itching to move along again. I think it is time to gather up my 50 some years of belongings and give them away or sell them. An RV sounds like the key to my wanderlust.

Posted on October 12, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Congratulations on receiving this award and thank you very much for passing it on to me. I shall be having a look at the other blogs you’ve nominated.
    I weigh the same as your dog. Unfortunately my bipeds tell me I’m too heavy to be a lap dog, but they do get down on the floor with me for a good cuddle.

  2. Wow this is so cool. Did not know that the Lovely Blog Award existed!! Congrats on yours and thank you so much for nominating me too! I have lots of reading ahead of me…. and finding 7 interesting facts about me. Kinda of scary.. Will have my own “Naked and Afraid” moment..sort of… hee hee Thanks again!

  3. I didn’t know this existed. It’s cool that you are nominated, and thank you so much for passing it on to me! Thank you!

  4. Thanks for nominating me, I will definitely do this!

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